Innovation Stories
Innovation Stories è il podcast che esplora l’innovazione attraverso le storie umane.
Sono Daniele Di Veroli, filmmaker, creative technologist e consulente AI
Da anni aiuto aziende e creativi a innovare attraverso tecnologie emergenti e strategie di comunicazione interattiva. Ma soprattutto, mi affascinano le storie dietro il successo e l’innovazione: le persone che trasformano idee in realtà e il mindset che le spinge a crescere continuamente.
In Innovation Stories, scopriamo cosa significa davvero innovare, come la tecnologia sta trasformando le nostre vite e quali mentalità sono necessarie per affrontare le sfide del mondo digitale. Attraverso interviste con leader di settore, imprenditori e pionieri tecnologici, esploriamo percorsi, strategie e visioni che stanno plasmando il futuro.
Ogni episodio offre insight pratici su temi come intelligenza artificiale, trasformazione digitale e growth mindset, fondamentali per navigare il cambiamento e raggiungere il successo.
Se sei un imprenditore, un creativo o un appassionato di innovazione, Innovation Stories è la tua guida per comprendere meglio il futuro che stiamo costruendo.
🎧 Ascolta, scopri, lasciati ispirare.
Innovation Stories
27 from employee to founder: How AI Will Revolutionize Your World! Interview with Zachary Rattner
In this conversation, Zach Rattner, the founder of Yembo, discusses his journey from being an employee to starting his own AI company. He emphasizes the importance of finding an intersection between AI and another industry to create innovative solutions. Zach also shares his optimistic view on the impact of AI on humankind, highlighting the potential for positive change. He explains how Yembo uses computer vision and AI to streamline processes in the home services industry. Zach discusses the challenges of starting a company and finding funding, as well as the key themes in his book 'Grow Up Fast.' He shares insights on managing personal and work life, productivity tools, and his vision for the future of Yembo and expansion into European markets.
Finding an intersection between AI and another industry can lead to innovative solutions.
AI has the potential to create positive change and leave the world in a better place.
Computer vision and AI can streamline processes in the home services industry.
Starting a company requires focus, validation, and finding the right team.
Balancing personal and work life is a challenge, and prioritizing tasks is essential.
Having a consistent daily routine and using productivity tools can enhance productivity.
Recommended books: 'Build' by Tony Fidel, 'Slideology' and 'Resonate' by Nancy Duarte, and 'Venture Deals' for understanding financing terms.
Contributing to the software development community, such as Stack Overflow, can be rewarding.
AI tools can be helpful, but they work best when used as a coach or tutor rather than a replacement for human expertise.
Yembo's future vision includes expanding into other industries and providing a seamless customer experience.
Zach's book 'Grow Up Fast' offers valuable lessons for starting an AI company and building a team.
Financial plans for the future focus on making customers happy and opening up new opportunities.
Expansion into European markets is a goal for Yembo, with a focus on understanding cultural differences and customer needs.
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